
Are you looking for a job?

Whether you're looking for a job as a *Werksstudent*, an Internship that fits into you studies, or just a part time job to fill up your savings box, the University might actually be able to help you.

Check out the Career Center and look through the ads to find the job you're looking for. They can also help you with application training, job interview training and job fairs at university.

The Career Center also offers workshops and coaching! Check out their Website and klick on *Zusatzqualifikationen* to learn more.

If you prefer face-to-face counseling, you can find the Career Center on the ground floor of the HZ (right next to *Sturm & Drang*) and talk to them directly during their opening hours mondays and thursdays 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.


Writing Center opening times in the summer break

You have to write a term paper and have no idea what to write about? Or you've already started writing but you'd love to have some feedback? Come see us at the Writing Center!

Opening hours for the Semester Break are:

Monday, July 21 2-4 p.m.
Thursday, July 24 2-4 p.m.
Monday, September 8 2-4 p.m.
Tuesday, September 9 2-4 p.m. 

Sign-up sheets are on the door of room 16, or you can just stop by and see if we can fit you in spontaneously!

Good luck with your papers and enjoy the summer!


Register for your Modulabschlussprüfung!

It's that time of the semester again, the last two weeks are in full swing and the first essays, take homes and exams need to be handed in. Before you start writing a paper, make sure you're actually registered for it! 

Every BA and MA Student needs to register for every *Modulabschlussprüfung* (term papers and exams) directly with Philprom via the QIS/LSF page.

Here are this semester's dates from the Philprom for BA American StudiesMA American StudiesBA English Studies and MA ALCM. The Philprom now also offers a step-by-step instruction on how to register using the QIS/LSF system.

Remember you can also back out of registered exams if you feel like you won't be able to make it or if you'd rather do it again next semester. But if you don't register, you won't get any credit points for the module!