
New Conference: "site|specific - hans poelzig: film|architekur"

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversity of the GU, Prof. Dr. Bernd Herzogenrath from our institute is planning a conference called "site|specific - hans poelzig: film|architekur".
The conference takes place on 4th and 5th July and one of its highlight is the film screening of  DER GOLEM, WIE ER IN DIE WELT including free beer and pretzels for everyone! ;)
You are all welcome to come and can even bring your friends and family along since this conference is held in German! However, a registration for both, conference and film screening, is required.
For more information and registration, please visit: http://sitespecific2014.blogspot.de/
You can also register under Herzogenrath@em.uni-frankfurt.de
Deadline for registration is 20th June!!!  
Credit points for the academic training are possible! 

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