Have fun, hang out and meet your fellow students at the annual IEAS Christmas Bash this thursday on the third floor!
Your manual for your studies at Goethe University Frankfurt - Institute for English and American Studies (IEAS). Your source for deadlines, administrative questions, registrations and results, schedules, events and student projects!
Upcoming conference in Frankfurt still looking for participants
Are you a BA student in the final stages of your degree or an MA student in one of the programs at Frankfurt? Do you have an interesting idea for your thesis and would like some peer review and feedback? Do you want to gather some conference experience but don't know where or how?
Come join us for our first Student and Graduate Conference here in Frankfurt! See Call for Papers below for more details or contact us at studentconferencefrankfurt@yahoo.com
Come join us for our first Student and Graduate Conference here in Frankfurt! See Call for Papers below for more details or contact us at studentconferencefrankfurt@yahoo.com
P.s.: you can also find us on facebook at Student and Graduate Conference: Transcultural Media Relations
Writing Center - now open!
The Writing Center will open on Monday, November 10th.
This semester's opening times are:
more sessions and extra sessions for the holidays will be announced separately.
You can visit the writing center for informatio and support for all your written assignments, be it term papers, essays or applications for your study abroad! We will be closed in the last week of December, but open in the first week of January as well as all of February. Extra dates for March will be announced on the door of *room 16*
The Writing Center is a teaching and learning workplace, not a "fix-it" shop or an editing service, but we can help you become a better writer. Long-term, the Writing Center's mission is to help students become independent learners and writers, building their confidence and helping them develop writing tools for learning on their own.
We're located at IG 3.256. Sign-up sheets for 30-minute sessions are on the door, but feel free to simply knock and see if one of us is free to work with you!
Don't be shy, stop by! :) And remember: "The most productive change most students need to make in working on their essays is to begin writing sooner" - Yale Writing Center
This semester's opening times are:
mondays 2 - 5 p.m.
thursdays 12 - 2 p.m.
You can visit the writing center for informatio and support for all your written assignments, be it term papers, essays or applications for your study abroad! We will be closed in the last week of December, but open in the first week of January as well as all of February. Extra dates for March will be announced on the door of *room 16*
The Writing Center is a teaching and learning workplace, not a "fix-it" shop or an editing service, but we can help you become a better writer. Long-term, the Writing Center's mission is to help students become independent learners and writers, building their confidence and helping them develop writing tools for learning on their own.
We're located at IG 3.256. Sign-up sheets for 30-minute sessions are on the door, but feel free to simply knock and see if one of us is free to work with you!
Don't be shy, stop by! :) And remember: "The most productive change most students need to make in working on their essays is to begin writing sooner" - Yale Writing Center
Two guest lecture announcements for this week
If you're interested in memory studies, come and listen to Andrew Hoskins giving a talk on tuesday, November 4th at noon in room IG 1.414 as part of the Memory Studies Lecture Series
and if you're interested in the African-Asian context, go check out the AFRASO page and listen to the guest lecture on Thursday, 6 p.m. at room PEG, 1.G 192
AFRASO website with infos and details about current and future guest lectures
and if you're interested in the African-Asian context, go check out the AFRASO page and listen to the guest lecture on Thursday, 6 p.m. at room PEG, 1.G 192
AFRASO website with infos and details about current and future guest lectures
Another workshop this semester
And here's the next chance to earn CPs for your "Optionalmodul" or simply explore your creativity :)
New Announcements!
The semester has just started and we are already planning the next event! Call all interested students who want to explore their creativity to come and check out our new workshop!
Welcome class of 2016 and 2017!
The new semester is already in full swing and you might be new to the IEAS. Please feel free to browse the blog for information and tipps and tricks concerning classes, guest lectures and other activities at the Institute for English and American Studies.
If you're looking for information on
- The Reader
- How to write an essay or a term paper and where to find the Writing Center
- Class registration
- the examination registrations and Philprom
- frequently used Abbreviations
- all your food options on campus
- Uni Sports
go check out the previous blog entries about those topics or browse through the "General Information" label on the right. Please note that some of the links might be for last semester, but you can always change the semester in the QIS/LSF for example by clicking on the button on the top right of the screen! We'll be updating this site regularly as the semester progesses, but also keep your eyes open for posters and other announcements around the IEAS on floors 3 and 4. And good luck with your studies.
If you're looking for information on
- The Reader
- How to write an essay or a term paper and where to find the Writing Center
- Class registration
- the examination registrations and Philprom
- frequently used Abbreviations
- all your food options on campus
- Uni Sports
go check out the previous blog entries about those topics or browse through the "General Information" label on the right. Please note that some of the links might be for last semester, but you can always change the semester in the QIS/LSF for example by clicking on the button on the top right of the screen! We'll be updating this site regularly as the semester progesses, but also keep your eyes open for posters and other announcements around the IEAS on floors 3 and 4. And good luck with your studies.
Welcome to Frankfurt!
Poetry Slam in Frankfurt!
Wort.Word.Lich ? Das Treffen der größten Poetry Slam Kulturen im
English Theatre FRANKFURT
Das amerikanisch-deutsche Poetry Slam Projekt ?Wort.Word.Lich?
präsentiert lebendige Bühnenpoesie aus den USA und Deutschland in
deutscher und englischer Sprache am 29. September, 20 Uhr im The
English Theatre Frankfurt. Sechs der besten Slam Poeten unter 21
Jahren aus den USA und Deutschland haben eine Woche lang das
bilinguale Poetry Slam Programm in Berlin erarbeitet. Das Projekt wird
geleitet von den Literaturveranstaltern und Poeten Robbie Q. Telfer
aus Chicago und Lars Ruppel aus Berlin.
?So jung und laut war Slam Poetry schon lange nicht mehr,? verspricht
Lars Ruppel, der das Projekt dank der Unterstützung der amerikanischen
Botschaft in Berlin und dem amerikanischen Generalkonsulat in
Frankfurt auf den Weg bringen konnte. Bei der 90 minütigen Show
treffen die beiden größten Slam Kulturen aufeinander und überwinden
sprachliche Hürden mit dem kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner ihrer Welten:
Erstmals bei einem bilingualen Poetry Slam Projekt sind alle
Teilnehmer unter 21 Jahre alt. Marco Damghandi (Hamburg), Fatima
Moumouni (München), Jason Bartsch (Bochum), Eric Guston, Kush Thompson
und Nina Coomes (alle Chicago) gehören trotz ihres jungen Alters schon
zu den bekanntesten Bühnenpoeten ihrer Länder und formen für eine
Woche den wahrscheinlichen explosivsten Chor der Welt.
Karten für die Vorstellung in Frankfurt gibt es unter
The English Theater
English Theatre FRANKFURT
Das amerikanisch-deutsche Poetry Slam Projekt ?Wort.Word.Lich?
präsentiert lebendige Bühnenpoesie aus den USA und Deutschland in
deutscher und englischer Sprache am 29. September, 20 Uhr im The
English Theatre Frankfurt. Sechs der besten Slam Poeten unter 21
Jahren aus den USA und Deutschland haben eine Woche lang das
bilinguale Poetry Slam Programm in Berlin erarbeitet. Das Projekt wird
geleitet von den Literaturveranstaltern und Poeten Robbie Q. Telfer
aus Chicago und Lars Ruppel aus Berlin.
?So jung und laut war Slam Poetry schon lange nicht mehr,? verspricht
Lars Ruppel, der das Projekt dank der Unterstützung der amerikanischen
Botschaft in Berlin und dem amerikanischen Generalkonsulat in
Frankfurt auf den Weg bringen konnte. Bei der 90 minütigen Show
treffen die beiden größten Slam Kulturen aufeinander und überwinden
sprachliche Hürden mit dem kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner ihrer Welten:
Erstmals bei einem bilingualen Poetry Slam Projekt sind alle
Teilnehmer unter 21 Jahre alt. Marco Damghandi (Hamburg), Fatima
Moumouni (München), Jason Bartsch (Bochum), Eric Guston, Kush Thompson
und Nina Coomes (alle Chicago) gehören trotz ihres jungen Alters schon
zu den bekanntesten Bühnenpoeten ihrer Länder und formen für eine
Woche den wahrscheinlichen explosivsten Chor der Welt.
Karten für die Vorstellung in Frankfurt gibt es unter
The English Theater
Are you looking for a job?
Whether you're looking for a job as a *Werksstudent*, an Internship that fits into you studies, or just a part time job to fill up your savings box, the University might actually be able to help you.
Check out the Career Center and look through the ads to find the job you're looking for. They can also help you with application training, job interview training and job fairs at university.
The Career Center also offers workshops and coaching! Check out their Website and klick on *Zusatzqualifikationen* to learn more.
If you prefer face-to-face counseling, you can find the Career Center on the ground floor of the HZ (right next to *Sturm & Drang*) and talk to them directly during their opening hours mondays and thursdays 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Check out the Career Center and look through the ads to find the job you're looking for. They can also help you with application training, job interview training and job fairs at university.
The Career Center also offers workshops and coaching! Check out their Website and klick on *Zusatzqualifikationen* to learn more.
If you prefer face-to-face counseling, you can find the Career Center on the ground floor of the HZ (right next to *Sturm & Drang*) and talk to them directly during their opening hours mondays and thursdays 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Writing Center opening times in the summer break
You have to write a term paper and have no idea what to write about? Or you've already started writing but you'd love to have some feedback? Come see us at the Writing Center!
Opening hours for the Semester Break are:
Sign-up sheets are on the door of room 16, or you can just stop by and see if we can fit you in spontaneously!
Good luck with your papers and enjoy the summer!
Opening hours for the Semester Break are:
Monday, July 21 2-4 p.m.
Thursday, July 24 2-4 p.m.
Monday, September 8 2-4 p.m.
Tuesday, September 9 2-4 p.m.
Sign-up sheets are on the door of room 16, or you can just stop by and see if we can fit you in spontaneously!
Good luck with your papers and enjoy the summer!
Register for your Modulabschlussprüfung!
It's that time of the semester again, the last two weeks are in full swing and the first essays, take homes and exams need to be handed in. Before you start writing a paper, make sure you're actually registered for it!
Every BA and MA Student needs to register for every *Modulabschlussprüfung* (term papers and exams) directly with Philprom via the QIS/LSF page.
Here are this semester's dates from the Philprom for BA American Studies, MA American Studies, BA English Studies and MA ALCM. The Philprom now also offers a step-by-step instruction on how to register using the QIS/LSF system.
Remember you can also back out of registered exams if you feel like you won't be able to make it or if you'd rather do it again next semester. But if you don't register, you won't get any credit points for the module!
Public Viewing on Campus
You have classes you cannot skip or your classes end at 5:45 and you can't make it home in time to watch the game? Why not watch it on Campus? Café Sturm und Drang at HZ offers public viewing of all German games on a large screen - so if you have a seminar on Thursday, just head over to the HZ afterwards and watch our team beat the U.S.A. ;)
More infos on the café's website or just stop by and see for yourself.
More infos on the café's website or just stop by and see for yourself.
New Conference: "site|specific - hans poelzig: film|architekur"
In order to celebrate the 100th anniversity of the GU, Prof. Dr. Bernd Herzogenrath from our institute is planning a conference called "site|specific - hans poelzig: film|architekur".
The conference takes place on 4th and 5th July and one of its highlight is the film screening of DER GOLEM, WIE ER IN DIE WELT including free beer and pretzels for everyone! ;)
You are all welcome to come and can even bring your friends and family along since this conference is held in German! However, a registration for both, conference and film screening, is required.
For more information and registration, please visit: http://sitespecific2014.blogspot.de/
You can also register under Herzogenrath@em.uni-frankfurt.de
Deadline for registration is 20th June!!!
Credit points for the academic training are possible!
The 6th Student Anthology!
Hello Folks!
The new Student Anthology is now available at room 17 and at the American Studies office. Check out what your fellow students have produced and be inspired by this year's edition.
P.s.: We're also still looking for staff for next year's edition - contact Dr. Peggy Preciado if your interested!
The new Student Anthology is now available at room 17 and at the American Studies office. Check out what your fellow students have produced and be inspired by this year's edition.
P.s.: We're also still looking for staff for next year's edition - contact Dr. Peggy Preciado if your interested!
Interested in joining a German-English project?
I just got this link to a new project that wants to honor the memory of the war (and the war dead) by starting a British-German writing project. If you're interested, you're creative, like to write and want to do *something different* that might also make a difference, check out the homepage for the project The book of plans hopes and dreams. Happy writing everybody!
Another current lecture series
The Institut für Jugendbuchforschung (Institute for research on children's books) has another lecture series this semester "Der Erste Weltkrieg. Kindheit, Jugend, Literarische Erinnerungskultur". It is concerned with WW I and literary exaples from and about the war. This week's lecture is held by our institute's own Frank Schulze-Engler. The lectures are on tuesdays, 6 - 8 p.m. in room IG 411.
Here's the program as a PDF.
Here's the program as a PDF.
Many things in your schedule or in the seminar descriptions might look like hieroglyphics when you first get here, but there is a way to decipher all these abbreviations. The A-Journal provides a list with the most important abbreviations in their current issue, and we've copied them onto this blog for you.
E = Einführung (Introductory Seminar)
E/V = Die Kombinationsform Einführung/Vorlesung (a combination of seminar and lecture)
V = Vorlesung (lecture)
IS = Independent Study (in AS/American Studies)
Ü = Übung (exercise)
BAS oder Sprax = Sprachpraktische Veranstaltungen / Fremdsprachliche Kommunikation (Integrated language skills)
S = Seminar
KQ = Kolloquium,
N.N. = nomen niminandum (=Veranstaltungsleiter steht noch nicht fest)
P = Proseminar
PM = Practical module (BA and MA)
PR = Praktikum (Lehramt)
QS = Qualifizierungsseminar
c.t. = cum tempore, (the seminar starts at quarter past the hour)
s.t. = sine tempore: the seminar starts on the hour
SWS = Semesterwochenstunden (hour-count per week (most seminars have 2 SWS))
Abbreviations for locations on Campus:
NG = Nebengebäude (the little annex next to the IG- Farben house)
Cas = Casino (there are seminar rooms on the second floor, facing the IG Farben house)
NM = Neue Mensa (Sozialzentrum Uni-Campus Bockenheim)
E = Einführung (Introductory Seminar)
E/V = Die Kombinationsform Einführung/Vorlesung (a combination of seminar and lecture)
V = Vorlesung (lecture)
IS = Independent Study (in AS/American Studies)
Ü = Übung (exercise)
BAS oder Sprax = Sprachpraktische Veranstaltungen / Fremdsprachliche Kommunikation (Integrated language skills)
S = Seminar
KQ = Kolloquium,
N.N. = nomen niminandum (=Veranstaltungsleiter steht noch nicht fest)
P = Proseminar
PM = Practical module (BA and MA)
PR = Praktikum (Lehramt)
QS = Qualifizierungsseminar
c.t. = cum tempore, (the seminar starts at quarter past the hour)
s.t. = sine tempore: the seminar starts on the hour
SWS = Semesterwochenstunden (hour-count per week (most seminars have 2 SWS))
Abbreviations for locations on Campus:
NG = Nebengebäude (the little annex next to the IG- Farben house)
Cas = Casino (there are seminar rooms on the second floor, facing the IG Farben house)
NM = Neue Mensa (Sozialzentrum Uni-Campus Bockenheim)
HZ = Hörsaal-Zentrum
HoF = House of Finance
PEG = Pädagogik, Erziehungswissenschaften, Gesellschaftswissenschaften; the new building next to the HZ on the right
HoF = House of Finance
PEG = Pädagogik, Erziehungswissenschaften, Gesellschaftswissenschaften; the new building next to the HZ on the right
PG = Präsidiumsgebäude
RuW = Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, next to the HoF
SP = the new seminar pavillon Westend at the corner of Hansaallee and Miquelallee
RuW = Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, next to the HoF
SP = the new seminar pavillon Westend at the corner of Hansaallee and Miquelallee
If there are other abbreviations you'd like us to *translate*, leave a comment and let us know!
Every student knows that is hard to stay focused with an empty stomach. And when your stomach starts to make some crazy noises, you know it is time to get something tasty between your teeth.
The good news is that there are several places on Campus Westend where you can grab a bite to eat:
Many students enjoy eating at the Mensa Casino, which opens from 11.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Students have the chance to chose between one of several meals offered (always including a vegetarian alternative). The menu changes daily, expect for the barbecue counter, where you can enjoy a nice steak right from the grill. Additionally, fresh salads and desserts are offered everyday.
If you rather have an appetite for Pasta and Pizza, the place for you to go is Anbau Casino.
This mensa opens from 11 a.m. to 15.30 p.m. and is located in the same builing as the Mensa Casino (facing the Hörsaalzentrum). But arrange enough time, it can become very crowded around noon.
How about a nice burger? Sounds good?! Then visit the Casino Cafeteria, located in the first floor in the Casino building. This place is famous for its tasty burgers, but don't worry - vegetarians are also very welcome to come! The cafeteria opens from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Mon-Thu) and 11 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. (Fri).
If the sun is shining and you want to take your break outside, the Sommergarten is the place for you to go (right next to the Mensa Casino). Here, you can enjoy a Bratwurst or steak from the barbecue counter or pick a meal from the daily changing menu. You can visit the Sommergarten from 3.30 p.m. to 10 p.m. +.
Nowadays, it is getting more and more important to know where your food comes from.
Sustainability and regionality are priority in the Cafeteria DASEIN. Good food for good taste!You can come and eat from 7.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the P.E.G. Building. Enjoy!
You don't have much time or just need a little snack? Go to Café Rotunde in the IG-Farbenhaus! There you can find the best sandwiches and bagels on campus! It is open from 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. (Mon-Fri) and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Sat).
You are able to pay in cash or with your Goethe-Card in all facilities. Just make sure that you charge your card with enough money at one of the several vending machines on campus (unfortunately most of them only accept ATM cards).
Want to know today's menu?
Check out:
or use the Frankfurt Mensa app for your smartphone! But don't rely on it too much, changes are always possible!
The Writing Center
The Semester is in full swing and it's time to worry about the first essays and term papers? If you feel like you want or need to talk to someone about your idea, brainstorm titles, work on your thesis, structure your paper, or if you have already written something and would like to hear a second opinion, come see us at the Writing Center!
The Writing Center is a teaching and learning workplace, not a "fix-it" shop or an editing service, but we can help you become a better writer. Long-term, the Writing Center's mission is to help students become independent learners and writers, building their confidence and helping them develop writing tools for learning on their own.
We're located at IG 3.256 and open mondays and wednesdays from 2 - 5 p.m., and tuesdays from 2 - 4 starting next week. Sign-up sheets for 30-minute sessions are on the door, but feel free to simply knock and see if one of us is free to work with you!
Don't be shy, stop by! ;) And remember: "The most productive change most students need to make in working on their essays is to begin writing sooner" - Yale Writing Center
The Writing Center is a teaching and learning workplace, not a "fix-it" shop or an editing service, but we can help you become a better writer. Long-term, the Writing Center's mission is to help students become independent learners and writers, building their confidence and helping them develop writing tools for learning on their own.
We're located at IG 3.256 and open mondays and wednesdays from 2 - 5 p.m., and tuesdays from 2 - 4 starting next week. Sign-up sheets for 30-minute sessions are on the door, but feel free to simply knock and see if one of us is free to work with you!
Don't be shy, stop by! ;) And remember: "The most productive change most students need to make in working on their essays is to begin writing sooner" - Yale Writing Center
Lecture Series "Das europäische Judentum und der Erste Weltkrieg"
I stumbled over an announcement poster for a lecture series today and thought I'd share it with you. Apparently, not all lectures are in English. If some of you are interested in WW I, there will be a couple of lectures to honor the centennial this year. This series is one of many.
All lectures will be held at Hörsaalzentrum HZ 8 and start at 6 p.m. Check the posters or the website for details! Lectures start this week. Here's the program for you.
23. April: Prof. Dr. David Rechter (University of Oxford)
Trauma on the Eastern Front: European Jews and the Great War (Auftakt des Internationalen Workshops)
24. April, 9 bis 14 Uhr, Campus Westend, Casino, 1.801: Internationaler Workshop „European Jewry and the Great War: Comparative Perspectives“
Prof. Dr. Pierre Birnbaum (Université de Paris): Between Nationalism and Patriotism: French Jews and the First World War
Dr. Semion Goldin (Hebrew University Jerusalem): The Great War, Russian Jewish Elite and Russian State – The Problem and the Challenge of Loyalty
Dr. Tim Grady (University of Chester): German Jews, the Great War and the Necessity of Commemoration
Prof. Dr. Tony Kushner (University of Southampton): Remembering (and Forgetting) the Jews of Britain in the „Great War“
Sarah Panter (Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz): „We must maintain absolute neutrality“ – The Dilemma of American Jews at the Outbreak of the First World War
30. April: Prof. Dr. Shulamit Volkov (Tel Aviv University): Walther Rathenau im Krieg: Hellsichtigkeit und Verwirrung
7. Mai: Prof. Dr. Derek Penslar (University of Toronto/University of Oxford): Every War A Civil War?Jewish Soldiers and Veterans in Europe, 1914-1939
14. Mai: Prof. Dr. Christian Wiese (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main): Martin Buber, der Prager Kreis und die Folgen des Ersten Weltkriegs
21. Mai: Prof. Dr. Michael Löwy (Centre national de la recherche scientifique Paris): Walter Benjamins verspätete Überlegungen zum Ersten Weltkrieg
28. Mai: Prof. Dr. Glenda Abramson (University of Oxford): Life and Writing in Palestine During the First World War
4. Juni: Prof. Dr. Barbara Hahn (Vanderbilt University): „Die Schuld unseres unpolitischen Lebens“. Margarete Susmans Antwort auf die Zäsur des Ersten Weltkriegs
11. Juni: Dr. Ilse Lazaroms (Hebrew University Jerusalem): Between Lamentation and Loyalty: The Hungarian Jewish Predicament in the Wake of the Great War
18. Juni: Prof. Dr. Micha Brumlik (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main): Franz Rosenzweig, Mitteleuropa und der Erste Weltkrieg
25. Juni: Prof. Dr. Dan Laor (Tel Aviv University): The Twice Told Tale: S. Y. Agnon and the Great War
2. Juli: Prof. Dr. Vivian Liska (Universiteit Antwerpen): „Ein Reigen des Volkes.“ Ein Motiv in Kafkas Kurzprosa 1914-1918
9. Juli: Prof. Dr. Steven Aschheim (Hebrew University Jerusalem): The Great War and the Radical Weimar Jewish Revival
16. Juli: Prof. Dr. Shlomo Avineri (Hebrew University Jerusalem): European Jewry and the Great War
All lectures will be held at Hörsaalzentrum HZ 8 and start at 6 p.m. Check the posters or the website for details! Lectures start this week. Here's the program for you.
23. April: Prof. Dr. David Rechter (University of Oxford)
Trauma on the Eastern Front: European Jews and the Great War (Auftakt des Internationalen Workshops)
24. April, 9 bis 14 Uhr, Campus Westend, Casino, 1.801: Internationaler Workshop „European Jewry and the Great War: Comparative Perspectives“
Prof. Dr. Pierre Birnbaum (Université de Paris): Between Nationalism and Patriotism: French Jews and the First World War
Dr. Semion Goldin (Hebrew University Jerusalem): The Great War, Russian Jewish Elite and Russian State – The Problem and the Challenge of Loyalty
Dr. Tim Grady (University of Chester): German Jews, the Great War and the Necessity of Commemoration
Prof. Dr. Tony Kushner (University of Southampton): Remembering (and Forgetting) the Jews of Britain in the „Great War“
Sarah Panter (Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz): „We must maintain absolute neutrality“ – The Dilemma of American Jews at the Outbreak of the First World War
30. April: Prof. Dr. Shulamit Volkov (Tel Aviv University): Walther Rathenau im Krieg: Hellsichtigkeit und Verwirrung
7. Mai: Prof. Dr. Derek Penslar (University of Toronto/University of Oxford): Every War A Civil War?Jewish Soldiers and Veterans in Europe, 1914-1939
14. Mai: Prof. Dr. Christian Wiese (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main): Martin Buber, der Prager Kreis und die Folgen des Ersten Weltkriegs
21. Mai: Prof. Dr. Michael Löwy (Centre national de la recherche scientifique Paris): Walter Benjamins verspätete Überlegungen zum Ersten Weltkrieg
28. Mai: Prof. Dr. Glenda Abramson (University of Oxford): Life and Writing in Palestine During the First World War
4. Juni: Prof. Dr. Barbara Hahn (Vanderbilt University): „Die Schuld unseres unpolitischen Lebens“. Margarete Susmans Antwort auf die Zäsur des Ersten Weltkriegs
11. Juni: Dr. Ilse Lazaroms (Hebrew University Jerusalem): Between Lamentation and Loyalty: The Hungarian Jewish Predicament in the Wake of the Great War
18. Juni: Prof. Dr. Micha Brumlik (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main): Franz Rosenzweig, Mitteleuropa und der Erste Weltkrieg
25. Juni: Prof. Dr. Dan Laor (Tel Aviv University): The Twice Told Tale: S. Y. Agnon and the Great War
2. Juli: Prof. Dr. Vivian Liska (Universiteit Antwerpen): „Ein Reigen des Volkes.“ Ein Motiv in Kafkas Kurzprosa 1914-1918
9. Juli: Prof. Dr. Steven Aschheim (Hebrew University Jerusalem): The Great War and the Radical Weimar Jewish Revival
16. Juli: Prof. Dr. Shlomo Avineri (Hebrew University Jerusalem): European Jewry and the Great War
Important Information
Here's important information for all BA American Studies Students, especially first and second semester.
Die Einführung "Amerikanische Kultur und Kulturwissenschaft" bei Frau Buschendorf findet ab dem 22.4. in Raum IG 311 statt.
Die Einführung "Amerikanische Kultur und Kulturwissenschaft" bei Frau Buschendorf findet ab dem 22.4. in Raum IG 311 statt.
If you want to receive updated information directly on your email adress, go register for the student newsletter here
Student Get-Together - Institutsgruppe
On Thursday, April 24th, the IEAS "Institutsgruppe" organizes a little get-together for the students at IEAS.
Here's their text for the event:
"The IEAS Institutsgruppe invites you to join us for a little get together to get to know us! What is it that we do, why is what we do so important and how can you become a part of all this? We are going to answer all of your questions and the best part is: we got coffee and cookies!"
Here's their text for the event:
"The IEAS Institutsgruppe invites you to join us for a little get together to get to know us! What is it that we do, why is what we do so important and how can you become a part of all this? We are going to answer all of your questions and the best part is: we got coffee and cookies!"
Here is some more info on the Institutsgruppe. You can also join them if you're interested in getting involved. They have regular meetings at room 16, every Tuesday at 4 p.m. or contact them via email: Institutsgruppe-IEAS@gmx.de
If you're interested in seeing what it's all about or getting to know a few of the students at the IEAS, then join them on April 24th at Room 16, starting at 4.p.m.!
Concerning Guest Lectures
To get credit points for your Optionalmodul or Academic Training module, you can visit guest lectures and write a (very) short summary about the attended lecture. Four lectures add up to one credit point. It's helpful if these lectures are connected to English- and American Studies, but related fields, like film studies, media studies, history and politics, also work.
The best way to find out about Guest Lectures is by walking through the university and looking for posters and announcements. All guest lectures will be announced by posters in the hallways and on office doors. However, there are a few lecture series which are offered every semester and can be accessed through university websites. You have to visit four guest lectures to get one credit point for your Optionalmodul or Academic Training Module. Here are a few that might be interesting for you:
The best way to find out about Guest Lectures is by walking through the university and looking for posters and announcements. All guest lectures will be announced by posters in the hallways and on office doors. However, there are a few lecture series which are offered every semester and can be accessed through university websites. You have to visit four guest lectures to get one credit point for your Optionalmodul or Academic Training Module. Here are a few that might be interesting for you:
Exellenzcluster Normative Orders - offers a "Ringvorlesung Gesetzt und Gewalt im Kino" that is offered every semester and combines lectures from various fields discussing different movies.
Kracauer Lectures - offered by the TFM institute, these lectures are concerned with film theory
Rechtswissenschaft Ringvorlesung - lectures about the development and future of (international) law
ZIAF - Center for interdiscipllinary African Studies. They offer a few lectures per semester, nothing current right now
Cornelia Goethe Zentrum - for women's and gender studies
IZO - international center for eastasian studies - offering lectures and workshops
FZHG - Forschungszentrum historische Geisteswissenschaften offers "lunch papers" and various guest lectures
We will also post guest lectures and conferences on this blog as they occur, so make sure you check back here.
Athletics - Hochschulsport

Aerobics and team sports are usually 10 Euros per semester, Tennis, Fitness and various other special offers, like using the beach volleyball or tennis facilities, cost more.
Here is the A - Z sports program for this semester. Simply go through it or click on the letter for the sport you're interested in for more information. You can also register online by following this link.
In addition, there are various excursions that you can register for:
25.05. - 01.06.2014 Segelwoche 'Elba'
02.08. - 21.08.2014 Wandern in Fjord-Norwegen
24.08. - 29.08.2014 Kitesurfkurs in Warms
31.08. - 05.09.2014 Kitesurfkurs in Warms
17.09. - 29.09.2014 Tauchen 'Korsika'
04.10. - 11.10.2014 Segeltörn 'Kroatien'
as well as tournaments and workshops (Anti-Stress, Gesellschaftstanz, Folkloretänze, Klettern, modernes Ballett, Rückenbalance, Selbstbehauptung). You can find the workshops by clicking on the A-Z sports program and then click on "W" for workshops!
Most of the venues are at the Goethe University Sport Campus at Ginnheimer Landstraße 39. To get there, take the subway 6 or 7 to "Kirchplatz" or the tram 16 to "Frauenfriedenskirche"
Some courses are taking place in local schools. Simply check the course description for details.
Go to http://web.uni-frankfurt.de/hochschulsport/ for general infos.
The "Reader"
In time to the start of the new semester, here's some information about the infamous "reader" you might have to buy for some of your seminars.
A "reader" is a collection of xeroxed course material that is reassembled for every semester individually. Many seminars, ILS courses and introductory classes work with readers, because it is great for collecting the required reading for your class. Check the class description in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (university calender) to see if your seminars are accompanied by a reader. Usually, the instructors send out an email to tell you you're registered for their class and also to let you know when and where you can get the reader.
The readings in the reader are usually mandatory for the respective class, so make sure you buy it early enough and get a head start!
Most readers are already available in the last week of the break or the first week of the semester. You can buy most of them at the copyshop Skript & Kopie at Wolfgangstraße. Here's a google maps plan of how to get there:
You see it's very close to the university and very easy to get there.
Leave the IG-Farben Haus through the main entrance and walk down to the bus stop.
Cross the street and walk down Parkstraße.
On the next corner, turn right into Wolfgangstraße.
The copyshop is at the end of the block in the corner house on the left.
Most readers will be available here. There are lists with the names of the instructors and the titles of the courses. Simply pick the course you are taking (e.g. Writing Skills) and the respective instructor (e.g. Peggy Preciado) and tell the nice people behind the counter the number of that reader as printed on the list. Please not that the copyshop only takes cash; you cannot pay with your debit card there.
Have a successful summer term!
A "reader" is a collection of xeroxed course material that is reassembled for every semester individually. Many seminars, ILS courses and introductory classes work with readers, because it is great for collecting the required reading for your class. Check the class description in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (university calender) to see if your seminars are accompanied by a reader. Usually, the instructors send out an email to tell you you're registered for their class and also to let you know when and where you can get the reader.
The readings in the reader are usually mandatory for the respective class, so make sure you buy it early enough and get a head start!
Most readers are already available in the last week of the break or the first week of the semester. You can buy most of them at the copyshop Skript & Kopie at Wolfgangstraße. Here's a google maps plan of how to get there:
You see it's very close to the university and very easy to get there.
Leave the IG-Farben Haus through the main entrance and walk down to the bus stop.
Cross the street and walk down Parkstraße.
On the next corner, turn right into Wolfgangstraße.
The copyshop is at the end of the block in the corner house on the left.
Most readers will be available here. There are lists with the names of the instructors and the titles of the courses. Simply pick the course you are taking (e.g. Writing Skills) and the respective instructor (e.g. Peggy Preciado) and tell the nice people behind the counter the number of that reader as printed on the list. Please not that the copyshop only takes cash; you cannot pay with your debit card there.
Have a successful summer term!
The "PhilProm"
Today's post aims to explain the purpose and usage of the "Philosophische Promotionskommission" or Philprom for short. They are in charge of all administrative duties concerning your study program, exams, final thesis and credit points, so if you want to suceed in your studies, try and become familiar with the system asap.
I would advise you to put the link to the Philprom website in your favorites, because you will have to go back there a couple of times during your studies. The Philprom website has many useful information for your studies in Frankfurt, starting with your "Prüfungsordnung" examination regulations. So let's go through the website and the offered functions step by step.
Everything you need to know about classes, seminars, term papers and other requirements concerning your studies can be found in the Examination Regulations. This is also the place where you can check word counts, requirements for regulations concerning your final exam and thesis and other useful information about your course of study. Make sure you read the Regulations carefully at the beginning of your studies and become familiar with them. I even recommend printing them out and maybe even highlighting the things that will be important for you (like regulations concerning your "Modulabschlussprüfung" or how your final grade will be formed).

The Examination Regulation can be found on the Philprom Website by clicking on the header "studium" then "Bachelor" or "Master" and then "Prüfungsordnung"
An overview of all study Programs will open. Click on your course of study (I chose BA American Studies Hauptfach) for this demonstration) and the Examination Regulations will open. As I said, you can look up everything here, from word count to seminars you have to take, focus areas you can choose from and things you can do for your Optionalbereich.
This is the link to the Prüfungsordnung BA American Studies Hauptfach
and for the English Studies Hauptfach
Unfortunately, the examination regulations for the Master courses are still not online :/
Another very important function on the Philprom website is an overview of all relevant deadlines for your examination registration for every semester. Remember that you have to register online for every exam and term paper you want to hand in (not for essays or presentations, but for every "Modulabschlussprüfung). The dates and times as well as the required exam registration numbers and a step-by-step instruction of how to register online can be found under the following links for the respective study Programs:
Bachelor American Studies (HF) deadlines and registrations
(deadlines are the same for the American Studies NF)
Master American Studies exam deadlines and registrations
Bachelor English Studies (HF) deadlines and registrations
(deadlines are the same for the American Studies NF)
Master Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media deadlines
Moving Cultures Master deadlines and registration
Always check back on these pages (especially towards the end of the semester) so you won't miss any deadlines! If you don't register for a class/term paper/ Modulprüfung, you won't get any credit points for that class!!!
Last but not least, here are the links for the formulas you will need to register for your BA and MA thesis. Note: You have to fill in the form "Antragsformular English/American Studies Bachelorprüfung/Masterprüfung im Haupt/Nebenfach" (depending on your personal course of study) in your first semester BEFORE you register for any exams to open your credit points account. If you don't fill out that form, you won't be able to collect credit points! Once you're ready to register for your actual BA or MA thesis, you have to fill out the form "Anmeldeformular English/American Studies Bachelor/Masterarbeit"
Forms for BA students (pick your course of study to find the apropriate formulars)
Forms for MA Students (click on your program to find the apropriate formulars)
If you have any further questions, feel free to leave a comment or ask the Philprom directly :)
I would advise you to put the link to the Philprom website in your favorites, because you will have to go back there a couple of times during your studies. The Philprom website has many useful information for your studies in Frankfurt, starting with your "Prüfungsordnung" examination regulations. So let's go through the website and the offered functions step by step.
Examination Regulations - Prüfungsordnung
Everything you need to know about classes, seminars, term papers and other requirements concerning your studies can be found in the Examination Regulations. This is also the place where you can check word counts, requirements for regulations concerning your final exam and thesis and other useful information about your course of study. Make sure you read the Regulations carefully at the beginning of your studies and become familiar with them. I even recommend printing them out and maybe even highlighting the things that will be important for you (like regulations concerning your "Modulabschlussprüfung" or how your final grade will be formed).

The Examination Regulation can be found on the Philprom Website by clicking on the header "studium" then "Bachelor" or "Master" and then "Prüfungsordnung"

This is the link to the Prüfungsordnung BA American Studies Hauptfach
and for the English Studies Hauptfach
Unfortunately, the examination regulations for the Master courses are still not online :/
Examination deadlines and registration info
Another very important function on the Philprom website is an overview of all relevant deadlines for your examination registration for every semester. Remember that you have to register online for every exam and term paper you want to hand in (not for essays or presentations, but for every "Modulabschlussprüfung). The dates and times as well as the required exam registration numbers and a step-by-step instruction of how to register online can be found under the following links for the respective study Programs:
Bachelor American Studies (HF) deadlines and registrations
(deadlines are the same for the American Studies NF)
Master American Studies exam deadlines and registrations
Bachelor English Studies (HF) deadlines and registrations
(deadlines are the same for the American Studies NF)
Master Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media deadlines
Moving Cultures Master deadlines and registration
Always check back on these pages (especially towards the end of the semester) so you won't miss any deadlines! If you don't register for a class/term paper/ Modulprüfung, you won't get any credit points for that class!!!
Anmeldung zur Bachelorprüfung/Anmeldung zur Masterprüfung
Last but not least, here are the links for the formulas you will need to register for your BA and MA thesis. Note: You have to fill in the form "Antragsformular English/American Studies Bachelorprüfung/Masterprüfung im Haupt/Nebenfach" (depending on your personal course of study) in your first semester BEFORE you register for any exams to open your credit points account. If you don't fill out that form, you won't be able to collect credit points! Once you're ready to register for your actual BA or MA thesis, you have to fill out the form "Anmeldeformular English/American Studies Bachelor/Masterarbeit"
Forms for BA students (pick your course of study to find the apropriate formulars)
Forms for MA Students (click on your program to find the apropriate formulars)
If you have any further questions, feel free to leave a comment or ask the Philprom directly :)
How to find seminars for your "Optionalmodul" (and Academic Training)
Good morning,
today, I want to show you how to find seminars and lectures for your "Optionalmodul". This is mostly interesting for BA American Studies Students, but also for Master Students, since you can use the lectures and seminars to get credits in your Academic Training Module.
The easiest way of finding out if there are other seminars about America or American topics is to search the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" Simply click on the QIS LSF system and open the site "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (course overview) There is a button called "Suche nach Veranstaltungen" or "Search for Lectures", simply click on that
The next site is a search mask, where you can search for any and all seminars and events in the current semester. You can look for everything here, but for the purpose of this blog entry, I've typed in "America" to get an overview over all seminars concerned with America. (you can also choose "language of instruction" and type in *English* that will give you all seminars held in English!)
Click on *search* and you will see a list with direct links to the various seminars. Seminars outside of the IEAS that are concerned with America are seminars in the history department or in the "Institute für Theater Film und Medienwissenschaften" (TFM), but there are also some in Economics, Law, politics and education. Whenever you want to visit a seminar outside the IEAS you have to sent the instructor an email and ask him/her if it's ok for you to join their class. Some classes are restricted to certain study programs, and not everybody will let you in, but it's worth trying.
Now, be aware, the credit points don't always translate the way you'd want them to. For example, a lecture in history might get you two credit points in the history department, but lectures are only one credit point in our department. Prof. Bernd Herzogenrath has the final say in what will be useful for your Optionalmodul and what will be difficult. Talk to him if you're unsure!
As for the Master Students: as far as I know, you're free to choose any master class from a different master degree you like, so you can also simply to to the course overview and pick the topic you're interested in and then look through the offered master seminars.
today, I want to show you how to find seminars and lectures for your "Optionalmodul". This is mostly interesting for BA American Studies Students, but also for Master Students, since you can use the lectures and seminars to get credits in your Academic Training Module.
The easiest way of finding out if there are other seminars about America or American topics is to search the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" Simply click on the QIS LSF system and open the site "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" (course overview) There is a button called "Suche nach Veranstaltungen" or "Search for Lectures", simply click on that
The next site is a search mask, where you can search for any and all seminars and events in the current semester. You can look for everything here, but for the purpose of this blog entry, I've typed in "America" to get an overview over all seminars concerned with America. (you can also choose "language of instruction" and type in *English* that will give you all seminars held in English!)
Click on *search* and you will see a list with direct links to the various seminars. Seminars outside of the IEAS that are concerned with America are seminars in the history department or in the "Institute für Theater Film und Medienwissenschaften" (TFM), but there are also some in Economics, Law, politics and education. Whenever you want to visit a seminar outside the IEAS you have to sent the instructor an email and ask him/her if it's ok for you to join their class. Some classes are restricted to certain study programs, and not everybody will let you in, but it's worth trying.
Now, be aware, the credit points don't always translate the way you'd want them to. For example, a lecture in history might get you two credit points in the history department, but lectures are only one credit point in our department. Prof. Bernd Herzogenrath has the final say in what will be useful for your Optionalmodul and what will be difficult. Talk to him if you're unsure!
As for the Master Students: as far as I know, you're free to choose any master class from a different master degree you like, so you can also simply to to the course overview and pick the topic you're interested in and then look through the offered master seminars.
How to register for (most) classes online
Especially if you are new at the university, registering for classes can be difficult and most of the mandatory introductory classes are already full. But don't worry, you can take them next semester :)
You can register for some of the seminars and all of the (also mandatory) ILS courses online by logging into your own QIS account. This account is very important and contains all necessary administrative tools you need to sucessfully register for classes, tests, term papers and check if you've already paid your semester fee. You can also check your grades online once they were submitted to the *Philprom*
Here's the link to the system: The QIS LSF System
To log in, simply use your student ID (e.g. s12345) and your HRZ password (the password the university sent you when you were accepted into the program)
Whether you're logged in or not, the QIS system is also where you can check the current *Vorlesungsverzeichniss* and plan your schedule for next year. But since you can also create your own schedule and safe it online once you're logged in, it makes sense to always log in right away ;)
Once you're logged in, you'll automatically see all the administrative functions, like *Prüfungsverwaltung* and such. But since this post is about registering for classes, go ahead and click on *Veranstaltungen*
and then click on *Vorlesungsverzeichnis* to get to the official class registry for the current semester.
Choose Fachbereich 10 then Anglistik und Amerikanistik and your degree (English or American Studies, BA or MA) and pick the class you want to register for.
Sometimes you can register via mail or you have to sign into a list; if that's the case, the instructions for registration will be written under the header "Vorraussetzungen". Just send the professor an email then ;) But make sure to send out your emails as soon as possible so your place in the seminars you're interested in is guaranteed!!!
If you can register for this class online, you will see the comment "Die Veranstaltung ist belegpflichtig in QIS-LSF" under the header "Voraussetzungen" in your course description. If this is the case, look for the button where it says "jetzt belegen/anmelden" and click on it.
The next site will show you an overview of the chosen course and this is the last step to registering. For the ILS courses, you can choose a priority (the one you want to take is priority 1, but also choose two more just in case you don't get into the one you want) Now click on "Platz beantragen" and you will be registert for this class.
However, since we have many students, this class might be full and you have to check back to see if you actually got in.
One more thing: ILS classes (and this includes writing skills) are mandatory for all students pursuing a Bachelors or a Masters Degree at the IEAS. BA students taking English or American Studies as their minor (Nebenfach) need to take at least 3 ILS classes, BA students taking English or American Studies in their major need to take 4. Since ILS classes are always full, make sure to register early and also give priority 2 and 3, since you only have 6 semesters to complete those four classes :)
Master Students in Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media and American Studies have to register for an ILS 3 course. Unfortunately, you cannot find them in the masters program (this will be fixed soon hopefully) but you can find them in the "Magister" program and register for them all the same. Here's the link for this semester's classes: ILS 3 link for Master Students
You can register for some of the seminars and all of the (also mandatory) ILS courses online by logging into your own QIS account. This account is very important and contains all necessary administrative tools you need to sucessfully register for classes, tests, term papers and check if you've already paid your semester fee. You can also check your grades online once they were submitted to the *Philprom*
Here's the link to the system: The QIS LSF System
To log in, simply use your student ID (e.g. s12345) and your HRZ password (the password the university sent you when you were accepted into the program)
Whether you're logged in or not, the QIS system is also where you can check the current *Vorlesungsverzeichniss* and plan your schedule for next year. But since you can also create your own schedule and safe it online once you're logged in, it makes sense to always log in right away ;)
Once you're logged in, you'll automatically see all the administrative functions, like *Prüfungsverwaltung* and such. But since this post is about registering for classes, go ahead and click on *Veranstaltungen*
and then click on *Vorlesungsverzeichnis* to get to the official class registry for the current semester.
Choose Fachbereich 10 then Anglistik und Amerikanistik and your degree (English or American Studies, BA or MA) and pick the class you want to register for.
Sometimes you can register via mail or you have to sign into a list; if that's the case, the instructions for registration will be written under the header "Vorraussetzungen". Just send the professor an email then ;) But make sure to send out your emails as soon as possible so your place in the seminars you're interested in is guaranteed!!!
If you can register for this class online, you will see the comment "Die Veranstaltung ist belegpflichtig in QIS-LSF" under the header "Voraussetzungen" in your course description. If this is the case, look for the button where it says "jetzt belegen/anmelden" and click on it.
The next site will show you an overview of the chosen course and this is the last step to registering. For the ILS courses, you can choose a priority (the one you want to take is priority 1, but also choose two more just in case you don't get into the one you want) Now click on "Platz beantragen" and you will be registert for this class.
However, since we have many students, this class might be full and you have to check back to see if you actually got in.
One more thing: ILS classes (and this includes writing skills) are mandatory for all students pursuing a Bachelors or a Masters Degree at the IEAS. BA students taking English or American Studies as their minor (Nebenfach) need to take at least 3 ILS classes, BA students taking English or American Studies in their major need to take 4. Since ILS classes are always full, make sure to register early and also give priority 2 and 3, since you only have 6 semesters to complete those four classes :)
Master Students in Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media and American Studies have to register for an ILS 3 course. Unfortunately, you cannot find them in the masters program (this will be fixed soon hopefully) but you can find them in the "Magister" program and register for them all the same. Here's the link for this semester's classes: ILS 3 link for Master Students
Some interesting Student Projects for you to join, follow or support
Before we start with the administrative tipps and tricks, here are some of our very own student projects currently under way at our institute for you to follow or support:
We'll start with the A-Journal, our very own monthy magazine written and published by students of the department. The A-Journal is published during the semester and filled with interesting tipps about the institute, announcements, interviews and articles. If you're a writer and you want to participate, please contact the writing staff. You can get your copy of the current A-Journal for free at room 17.
Also check out their website: A-Journal
Another interesting project connected with writing is the Student Anthology. Currently in its sixth edition, the Student Anthology is a collection of creative works (poetry, short stories) written by current and former students at the IEAS. The Anthology is designed and published with the expert guidance of Dr. Peggy Preciado. For current information about the Student Anthology, please contact the current team at poetry@chaincourt.org or check out their Call for submissions
The latest versions of the Student Anthology can be purchased for a small price at Room 17.
For those of you who are interested in acting or working on a play, check out the Institute's very own theater company The Chaincourt Theater at The Chaincourt Theater Mr Fisk is in charge of upcoming productions and tasks connected with the company involve acting, stage management and front of house duties during events.
For Infos on all current Student Projects also look up our Institute's website Student's Creative Participation page!
We'll start with the A-Journal, our very own monthy magazine written and published by students of the department. The A-Journal is published during the semester and filled with interesting tipps about the institute, announcements, interviews and articles. If you're a writer and you want to participate, please contact the writing staff. You can get your copy of the current A-Journal for free at room 17.
Also check out their website: A-Journal
Another interesting project connected with writing is the Student Anthology. Currently in its sixth edition, the Student Anthology is a collection of creative works (poetry, short stories) written by current and former students at the IEAS. The Anthology is designed and published with the expert guidance of Dr. Peggy Preciado. For current information about the Student Anthology, please contact the current team at poetry@chaincourt.org or check out their Call for submissions
The latest versions of the Student Anthology can be purchased for a small price at Room 17.
For those of you who are interested in acting or working on a play, check out the Institute's very own theater company The Chaincourt Theater at The Chaincourt Theater Mr Fisk is in charge of upcoming productions and tasks connected with the company involve acting, stage management and front of house duties during events.
For Infos on all current Student Projects also look up our Institute's website Student's Creative Participation page!
Welcome at the Institute for English and American Studies!
This blog is supposed to act as a manual for new and visiting students. We (a group of students currently enrolled at Goethe University) will try to shed some light on the workings of Goethe University's administration as well as offer help with organizational questions concerning your studies. In addition, we will update this page with news around the IEAS, student projects you can join or follow and current and future conferences that might be interesting for you.
If you are a Bachelor- or Master Student or are thinking about studying English Studies, American Studies, Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media, or Moving Cultures at Goethe University in Frankfurt, this blog is made for you!
You can use the labels or the archive (on your right) or the search button (on your left) to find what you are looking for. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
We will fill this site with updates and helpful links as soon as possible, just be patient with us and follow our blog!
If you are a Bachelor- or Master Student or are thinking about studying English Studies, American Studies, Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media, or Moving Cultures at Goethe University in Frankfurt, this blog is made for you!
You can use the labels or the archive (on your right) or the search button (on your left) to find what you are looking for. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
We will fill this site with updates and helpful links as soon as possible, just be patient with us and follow our blog!
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