
Upcoming conference in Frankfurt still looking for participants

Are you a BA student in the final stages of your degree or an MA student in one of the programs at Frankfurt? Do you have an interesting idea for your thesis and would like some peer review and feedback? Do you want to gather some conference experience but don't know where or how? 

Come join us for our first Student and Graduate Conference here in Frankfurt! See Call for Papers below for more details or contact us at studentconferencefrankfurt@yahoo.com 

P.s.: you can also find us on facebook at Student and Graduate Conference: Transcultural Media Relations


Writing Center - now open!

The Writing Center will open on Monday, November 10th
This semester's opening times are:

mondays 2 - 5 p.m. 
thursdays 12 - 2 p.m. 

more sessions and extra sessions for the holidays will be announced separately.

You can visit the writing center for informatio and support for all your written assignments, be it term papers, essays or applications for your study abroad! We will be closed in the last week of December, but open in the first week of January as well as all of February. Extra dates for March will be announced on the door of *room 16*

The Writing Center is a teaching and learning workplace, not a "fix-it" shop or an editing service, but we can help you become a better writer. Long-term, the Writing Center's mission is to help students become independent learners and writers, building their confidence and helping them develop writing tools for learning on their own.

We're located at IG 3.256. Sign-up sheets for 30-minute sessions are on the door, but feel free to simply knock and see if one of us is free to work with you!

Don't be shy, stop by! :) And remember: "The most productive change most students need to make in working on their essays is to begin writing sooner" - Yale Writing Center


Two guest lecture announcements for this week

If you're interested in memory studies, come and listen to Andrew Hoskins giving a talk on tuesday, November 4th at noon in room IG 1.414 as part of the Memory Studies Lecture Series

and if you're interested in the African-Asian context, go check out the AFRASO page and listen to the guest lecture on Thursday, 6 p.m. at room PEG, 1.G 192

AFRASO website with infos and details about current and future guest lectures


Another workshop this semester

And here's the next chance to earn CPs for your "Optionalmodul" or simply explore your creativity :)